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Implementation is the carrying out, execution, or practice of a plan, a method, or any design, idea, model, specification, standard or policy for doing something. As such, implementation is the action that must follow any preliminary thinking in order for something to actually happen.

In an information technology (IT) context, software or hardware implementation encompasses all the post-sale processes involved in something operating properly in its environment, including analyzing requirements, installation, configuration, customization, running, testing, systems integrations, user training, delivery and making necessary changes. The word "deployment" is sometimes used to mean the same thing.

Surflex has implemented various project as indicated below.

  • Surflex has implemented Straight Line Implementation in SAP System for MJunction.
  • We have done the migration to SAP S4 HANA from ECC6 in Exide Industries.
  • We have done SAP Enhancement at Mangalam Cement Limited

Implementations inherently represent a change in a company's existing technological architecture so it is common for implementation processes to encounter problems on both sides of the go-live date. To account for this, we keep close relationships with clients and consultants to help them fix issues as they come up.

Along with each Implementations we do conduct a training program to educate the concern persons with the knowledge of the new system.